Monday, February 28, 2011

Ecology and Christmas

Ecology and Christmas

               Ecology is described as the interaction between organisms and its environment and other organisms.  Hence, organisms existence depends on the kind of environment organisms are living with. If the organisms were able to cope – up with the changing environment the organisms will able to survive and reproduce, but if the organisms could not withstand the ever changing environmental conditions and goes beyond the optimum the organism may develop certain characteristic fitted to the kind of environment or the organisms may perish and die…
              In this Christmas season, people from all walks of life are rejoicing and merry making, buying gifts, beautiful clothes, preparing sumptuous food and Christmas parties all around, a real fiesta in its sense.
             But what happening after all these merry makings, a lot of garbage all around.  The streets are decorated with plastic cups, gift wrappers, toy boxes, styrofors, left over foods and other materials roaming around the corners. Mind you, they will be there all year round, will just hind in canals and in rivers and show themselves again during rainy days clogging the drainage systems causing flash floods and high water levels in the streets.
            Not only that, during this season also, instead of enjoying the cold weather as if you are in a foreign land, even there is no snow, the smell apples and other fruits of Christmas, what you will smell is burning tires, gun powder, firecrackers and others that will trigger asthma and cough. Instead of mouth – watering smell of roasting beef, pork, chicken, an eye – irritating smoke mixing with fresh air all around. OMG! Where are your senses people? Yes, Christmas is the season of rejoicing, but let’s not forgets that what we are celebrating is the birth of our Savior – Jesus Christ. But if what are stake in all these enjoyments and festivities are the destruction of nature and ecological imbalance, I think the Creator will not be happy eventhough the celebration is intended for Him. Because, who will be happy if you will see the thing You created for them, the things You provided to them, the thing they should enjoy and not destroy.
            So people, let’s join hands protecting the Nature as we take pleasure of the Seasons. This is only environment we all have, one of the greatest gifts we received even not in Christmas. Let us do our share of conserving it, because if this environment will perish all organisms will perish as well. This is how strong our connection with environment. When we protect, conserve and preserve it, all organisms including us will be protected, conserved and preserved.
          Hence, let’s these are our by – words this Christmas…
                        C – cleanliness of the environment;
                             H – healthfulness of the organisms;
                                 R – recycling and reuse attitude all the time;
                                    I – involvement in Nature’s drive;
                                        S – sincerity of the heart to help;
                                            M – mass action for safe water and air;
                                                A – active participation towards
                                                   S – sustainable development for our benefits
                                                                and the  future…
                                                         … for organisms' continued existence.
                            HAPPY ECOLOGICAL CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE!!!