Sunday, March 13, 2011



Life History: key events in an organism’s lifetime.
Life history deals on the different cycles pass on by an individual from a young age to the old one. If he could no longer adapt to the changing environment he will perish and die. This is why life history is being shaped by a natural selection process, when one is able to survive and reproduce this means he is fitted to the environment and all his needs are being provided by the giving environment.
In this case, I would like to share a story from the song written by Shel Silverstein, though the song is intended for children but I find it very fitting to the topic life history. And here it goes…
 The Giving Tree:
Once there was a giving tree who loved a little boy.
And everyday the boy would come to play
Swinging from the branches, sleeping in the shade
Laughing all the summer's hours away.
And so they love,
Oh, the tree was happy.
Oh, the tree was glad.

But soon the boy grew older and one day he came and said,
"Can you give me some money, tree, to buy something I've found?"
"I have no money," said the tree, "Just apples, twigs and leaves."
"But you can take my apples, boy, and sell them in the town."
And so he did and
Oh, the tree was happy.
Oh, the tree was glad.

But soon again the boy came back and he said to the tree,
"I'm now a man and I must have a house that's all my home."
"I can't give you a house" he said, "The forest is my house."
"But you may cut my branches off and build yourself a home"
And so he did.
Oh, the tree was happy.
Oh, the tree was glad.

And time went by and the boy came back with sadness in his eyes.
"My life has turned so cold," he says, "and I need sunny days."
"I've nothing but my trunk," he says, "But you can cut it down
And build yourself a boat and sail away."
And so he did and
Oh, the tree was happy.
Oh, the tree was glad.

And after years the boy came back, both of them were old.
"I really cannot help you if you ask for another gift."
"I'm nothing but an old stump now. I'm sorry but I've nothing more to give"
"I do not need very much now, just a quiet place to rest,"
The boy, he whispered, with a weary smile.
"Well", said the tree, "An old stump is still good for that."
"Come, boy", he said, "Sit down, sit down and rest a while."
And so he did and
Oh, the trees was happy.
Oh, the tree was glad.
Once there was a giving tree who loved a little boy.
And every day the boy would come to play
Swinging from the branches, sleeping in the shade
Laughing all the summer's hours away.
And so they love,
Oh, the tree was happy.
Oh, the tree was glad.

But soon the boy grew older and one day he came and said,
"Can you give me some money, tree, to buy something I've found?"
"I have no money," said the tree, "Just apples, twigs and leaves."
"But you can take my apples, boy, and sell them in the town."
And so he did and
Oh, the tree was happy.
Oh, the tree was glad.

But soon again the boy came back and he said to the tree,
"I'm now a man and I must have a house that's all my home."
"I can't give you a house" he said, "The forest is my house."
"But you may cut my branches off and build yourself a home"
And so he did.
Oh, the tree was happy.
Oh, the tree was glad.

And time went by and the boy came back with sadness in his eyes.
"My life has turned so cold," he says, "and I need sunny days."
"I've nothing but my trunk," he says, "But you can cut it down
And build yourself a boat and sail away."
And so he did and
Oh, the tree was happy.
Oh, the tree was glad.

And after years the boy came back, both of them were old.
"I really cannot help you if you ask for another gift."
"I'm nothing but an old stump now. I'm sorry but I've nothing more to give"
"I do not need very much now, just a quiet place to rest,"
The boy, he whispered, with a weary smile.
"Well", said the tree, "An old stump is still good for that."
"Come, boy", he said, "Sit down, sit down and rest a while."
And so he did and
Oh, the tree was happy.
Oh, the tree was glad.
The song is about a boy who has a simple needs but very happy when these were being provided by the giving tree. But as the boy grew older his needs become complicated and big, but the giving tree still tried to give him what he wants even up to the extent sacrifying itself. Until one day the tree has nothing to give to the boy who is now an old man.
This is happened in real life when are still young we have simple needs, as we grow older, life becomes complicated and our needs become complex and the tendency is get everything from the environment up to its saturation point when the environment has nothing to give anymore.
This is the very message of the song wherein there should be a give and take relationship among men and the environment. The boy should have done something in order to preserve the tree so even he became older the tree will still provide his needs. This is what we should with the giving environment. We should take good of our environment because it provides our necessities for our continued existence so that as we go on with our life history we are able to survive. We have to ensure also that something is left in the future generation because life history has an end and the next young should have something to start with.


Eat to Live or Live to Eat…
                          the concept of foraging behavior.
Food is the foremost need of the organisms in order to survive, grow and reproduce. He may be an specialist or the one who subsists on an specific kind of food. Or he could be a generalist, the one that subsists on any kind of food.
With the present economic condition of the Philippines wherein supply of food is becoming scarce due to production damaged by different catastrophes such as typhoon and flashfloods. Being a foraging specialist could no longer applicable to practice. Take the issue of “bocha”; this is the practice of eating dead animals which in fact only saprophytes are capable of eating dead organism. Take the issue of scavengers who eat left over foods, which actually intended for lower form of animals such as pig, dogs and cat and yet children in the dumping site enjoyed upon finding one because it would save one meal time. I don’t say that this is right because, such practice may entail some health problems. What I am trying to emphasize here is, because of certain conditions, organisms are forced to eat matter which are not intended to eat by them.
Hence, the concept of foraging behavior among organisms for me depends on the availability of food. One may not be that selective of particular to a kind of food if his prepared food is not available. So the tendency of the organism is to eat what is at hand. In this manner the specialist becomes a generalist. All the organism wants is to get the energy required by his body in order to survive so that he can look for a food that he wants.
                   The case of eat to live and live to eat.
 At present, as long as the food is edible, safe and could provide energy one must take them if he wishes to continue on existing.


No Man is an Island…
                            and the concept of Biological Interactions.
 Biological interaction is rooted on the fact that organism has always the tendency to take action on any motivation he sensed in his environment. No organism is isolated from its surroundings. Organisms must exist like this in order to survive and reproduce. Even man who is considered as the highest form of organism could not exist in autonomy; he will always need somebody or something for its continued existence.
Man has to learn to cultivate plants, weed them, water them and take good of them, because after some time, plants will give him fruits and vegetable to eat. This is mutual interaction among man and plants. This is also true with domesticated animals that man has to tender in order to reap meat afterward.
But man is not the only one depending on plants and animals, but other organisms as well. Hence man has to be strong or think of some strategies in order to prevail from his competitors. He has to eradicate parasite, insect, pest invading plants and animals to keep them healthy for his own consumption.
But he is not always strong and healthy; he has always the tendency to become weak because of the dynamic conditions of the environment, the heat, the cold, climate, and availability of food and other physical structures of the surroundings that affect man circumstances. In this case, he may ask the help of other for food and medicine.
If man wish to continue his brood, he has to mate with another for reproduction.
Indeed, no man could exist alone; he will always require somebody or something for his survival because no man is an island.

“Tragedy of the Commons”, and the “Malthusian Theory”

Resources and Condition:
 Tragedy of the Commons”, and the “Malthusian Theory”
Resources are the things in the environment the make us survive and thrive. Example of which are the foods, minerals, space and others, while conditions are the state of the environment relative to the quality and quantity of temperature, pH, humidity, salinity and others. The Philippines is endowed with rich natural resources that provide basic needs of the people such food, shelters, clothing and other man’s needs for survival and reproduction.
However, resources have a tendency to be depleted and become scarce. But in the case of condition it has no tendency to become depleted. Hence, even the Philippines have rich natural resources; it could not support the need of the whole population. One of the reasons probably is overpopulation. This was already predicted by Malthus relative to his theory. “The Malthusian theory” which explained that population will grow exponentially, while food supply will grow geometrically. Population grows faster than food production, hence people tend to gather all the supplies they think common and free for all.
This open access tendency to the resources led to misuse, overexploitation and depletion of the natural resources.  Conservation and sustainable gathering are not being practiced. This is probably because of the perception of the people that they have to get everything they can,  because if they will conserve others will get them also  without necessarily saving for the others. So, if I will save for the future, others will also take them, hence nothing will be left. So I might as well get everything in preparation of my future.
But people forgot the concept of conditions, that everything he posses now will be taken away in different manner such as earthquake, flashfloods, tsunami and the like. No one and nothing shall be spared. Hence, people must know how to conserve and protect the environment so that it will continue providing all the resources being given to him, so that the disastrous condition will not be that severe and something will still be left to people and have something to start anew. He should always remember the notion according to G. Hardin,
                               … that resources are for everyone needs but not for everyone’s greed,



TUKal and Tugtugin
Where are the Tukal now? Where are the Tugtugin?
When I was young, about 8 or 10 years old, during the months of September to November we used to eat a gabi/taro - (Colocasia esculenta) like root crops. My mother used to boil them, pilled, pound with mortar and pestle and mixed with grated coconut and sugar and atlas a delicious afternoon snack we enjoyed so much. Their flowers are so beautiful that comes in different colors, white, pink, and fuchsia to fuchsia red. A bunch of them are very fond to see. I asked my father the name of this plant and he said it is known locally as Tukal and the gabi – like roots are called tugtugin.  According to him this plant made them survived during the “bakwisan” era (force transfer of residence to a safe place because of Japanese – American war in the Philippines in the mid 40’s). During their (tukal) season, the whole water in our place is covered with this plant, full of flowers in different colors, like a bed of roses. The leaves are wide and tooted floating at the top of water where insects are happy to ride. But as the time goes on, they gradually vanished until such time they are nowhere to find. Until one day I saw the plant as the screen saver of a certain computer. I learned that the English name of tukal is Lotus plant its scientific name is Nymphaea lotus and other species of the same genus.
I used to describe the plants to my nephews and nieces but they could not relate to the story because they haven’t seen one at this time. I told them, the flowers are beautiful and being sold to Manila traders during “All Saints Day”. I told them that the rhizomes are delicious and taste like gabi, but they looked at me with blank eyes. It’s really hard to imagine a thing which you haven’t seen yet in your life. I asked my father (a farmer) on what happened to the Tukal, to the Tugtugin? Where are they now? My father told me that, they were invaded by the water hyacinths. Others could not withstand anymore the fertilizer and pesticide/insecticide run offs. Their habitats were also studded with garbage and wastes. Hence, they could not tribe anymore here, as my father further explains.  I’m a bit sad with what I heard, because, the young generations like my children and their cousins and their playmates as well, will not experience the enjoyment I experienced with this plant. The story of “bakwisan” related to the tugtugin will not be heard anymore. How pity this generation. They missed a good story of a life time. Well, pictures are still around, I hope this could suffice their curiosity if ever they have.      
There lots of plants in our place that I could no longer see which I used to play, eat and saw in my younger years. Example of which are the “tigbi”, “tikiwan”, “susong dalaga” and the “corales”. Their habitat were also no longer seen here, what present now are commercial establishments and the likes.
             Indeed, habitat loss is biodiversity loss.


A friendly letter
Dear Ms. Tree,
I would like to say thank you for providing me a habitat when I was in your place sometime. You provided me seeds from your fruits that served as my food. You provided me also with a portion of your stem
to be my nesting place where I leave my young upon looking for other foods. You protect me from floods, being so tall that water could not reach you atop.
However, when I returned from my short journey, I was surprised you were no longer here. I looked around in a hope of seeing you again, but you were nowhere to find. What I saw are farmlands filled rice, corn and other vegetation, are these your successors? What happened to you?
I went around in the downtown area, when suddenly, I saw you there in Aling Mara’s house. What a beautiful dining table you are. I saw people enjoyed placing their plates in you; you are the star of that fine dining activity.
Well, I was astonished seeing you in different structure, but I also realized that, I should not wonder because that is one of your importance; proving wood for furniture production. Nonetheless, the one that converted you to that should at least plant another tree so that someone like us has something to return to. When they get something they have to make sure that others could get something also in the future, the concept of sustainability as they say.   
In any case, I’m happy seeing you again; someday I hope we could see each other again in a former you. If not in this time, I wish in the next generation.
Goodbye for the mean time, asta la vista, till we meet again.
Love always,


Farm no more… Fish no more…
 These words are the frequently being uttered by our farmers and fishermen when part of their lands or part of their fishing area were reclaimed and convert it in an industrialized zone. What will happen now to these farmers and fishermen? Where will they get their source of life, their food, education of their kids and the likes?
Actually, land conversion comes into many faces…
               First, displacing former habitants to give way to new habitants;
               Second, lost of job for the others but creating job for the others; and
               Third, lost of sentimental value of the place and have it
                                                          transformed    into modern and  industrialized site.
              Well, these make harder to express our opinion regarding the matter. Although there is a tendency for habitat loss, or even economic loss for the others, but the matter promises a new opportunity to improve the lives of the others. But, moralists say “The end does not justify the means”.  Yes, such move of converting certain habitat to be used by another one but displacing the former one is an ethical.
Development and progress would be fine if no one is affected. Hence, to make improvement acceptable and justifiable, the planner should think first the pros and cons of any move. What is the percentage of advantage over disadvantage?
Well, as I read in the news or even actually observed events like this, the people, animals or plants that shall be directly affected by this movement, were being transferred to a new habitat wherein they could start anew, basically somewhere wherein the farmers can farm again. Fishermen can fish again.  Somewhere, new trees can be planted, new birds shall migrate and somewhere a new life will begin. Hence,
                                 Farms are more…
                                             Fishes are more…