Sunday, March 13, 2011


A friendly letter
Dear Ms. Tree,
I would like to say thank you for providing me a habitat when I was in your place sometime. You provided me seeds from your fruits that served as my food. You provided me also with a portion of your stem
to be my nesting place where I leave my young upon looking for other foods. You protect me from floods, being so tall that water could not reach you atop.
However, when I returned from my short journey, I was surprised you were no longer here. I looked around in a hope of seeing you again, but you were nowhere to find. What I saw are farmlands filled rice, corn and other vegetation, are these your successors? What happened to you?
I went around in the downtown area, when suddenly, I saw you there in Aling Mara’s house. What a beautiful dining table you are. I saw people enjoyed placing their plates in you; you are the star of that fine dining activity.
Well, I was astonished seeing you in different structure, but I also realized that, I should not wonder because that is one of your importance; proving wood for furniture production. Nonetheless, the one that converted you to that should at least plant another tree so that someone like us has something to return to. When they get something they have to make sure that others could get something also in the future, the concept of sustainability as they say.   
In any case, I’m happy seeing you again; someday I hope we could see each other again in a former you. If not in this time, I wish in the next generation.
Goodbye for the mean time, asta la vista, till we meet again.
Love always,

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