Sunday, March 13, 2011

“Tragedy of the Commons”, and the “Malthusian Theory”

Resources and Condition:
 Tragedy of the Commons”, and the “Malthusian Theory”
Resources are the things in the environment the make us survive and thrive. Example of which are the foods, minerals, space and others, while conditions are the state of the environment relative to the quality and quantity of temperature, pH, humidity, salinity and others. The Philippines is endowed with rich natural resources that provide basic needs of the people such food, shelters, clothing and other man’s needs for survival and reproduction.
However, resources have a tendency to be depleted and become scarce. But in the case of condition it has no tendency to become depleted. Hence, even the Philippines have rich natural resources; it could not support the need of the whole population. One of the reasons probably is overpopulation. This was already predicted by Malthus relative to his theory. “The Malthusian theory” which explained that population will grow exponentially, while food supply will grow geometrically. Population grows faster than food production, hence people tend to gather all the supplies they think common and free for all.
This open access tendency to the resources led to misuse, overexploitation and depletion of the natural resources.  Conservation and sustainable gathering are not being practiced. This is probably because of the perception of the people that they have to get everything they can,  because if they will conserve others will get them also  without necessarily saving for the others. So, if I will save for the future, others will also take them, hence nothing will be left. So I might as well get everything in preparation of my future.
But people forgot the concept of conditions, that everything he posses now will be taken away in different manner such as earthquake, flashfloods, tsunami and the like. No one and nothing shall be spared. Hence, people must know how to conserve and protect the environment so that it will continue providing all the resources being given to him, so that the disastrous condition will not be that severe and something will still be left to people and have something to start anew. He should always remember the notion according to G. Hardin,
                               … that resources are for everyone needs but not for everyone’s greed,

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