Sunday, March 13, 2011


Farm no more… Fish no more…
 These words are the frequently being uttered by our farmers and fishermen when part of their lands or part of their fishing area were reclaimed and convert it in an industrialized zone. What will happen now to these farmers and fishermen? Where will they get their source of life, their food, education of their kids and the likes?
Actually, land conversion comes into many faces…
               First, displacing former habitants to give way to new habitants;
               Second, lost of job for the others but creating job for the others; and
               Third, lost of sentimental value of the place and have it
                                                          transformed    into modern and  industrialized site.
              Well, these make harder to express our opinion regarding the matter. Although there is a tendency for habitat loss, or even economic loss for the others, but the matter promises a new opportunity to improve the lives of the others. But, moralists say “The end does not justify the means”.  Yes, such move of converting certain habitat to be used by another one but displacing the former one is an ethical.
Development and progress would be fine if no one is affected. Hence, to make improvement acceptable and justifiable, the planner should think first the pros and cons of any move. What is the percentage of advantage over disadvantage?
Well, as I read in the news or even actually observed events like this, the people, animals or plants that shall be directly affected by this movement, were being transferred to a new habitat wherein they could start anew, basically somewhere wherein the farmers can farm again. Fishermen can fish again.  Somewhere, new trees can be planted, new birds shall migrate and somewhere a new life will begin. Hence,
                                 Farms are more…
                                             Fishes are more…

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